Stay current with every step of your order

Learn how we are able to keep 99,8% deliveries on time


First order


After receiving a valid inquiry we will present you with an offer tailored to your requirements within 24 hours.

Order confirmation

We will contact you in order to find out if our offer is satisfactory and if so, we will set all the details of the transaction.


Dedicated guardian


After completing your first order, we will assign you a special contact person with whom you will be able to... 


English / German / French / Dutch

Control every step of your order


As a regular customer you will receive (free of charge) a special program to control each stage of your orders. Thanks to it you will be able to:

  • Prepare the offer yourself
  • Receive notification of order stages

Is handlig the program difficult?

Absolutely not. In order to facilitate the implementation of the program, we have developed a special training that will allow you to know all its advantages. After the training our customers cannot imagine a different way of working together.

Program usage training

Training at your company

We will arrange a meeting at a convenient time and we will come to you for training. You can arrange the date of the training with your guardian.

Training at our company

We will schedule a meeting at a convenient time. Your guardian will provide you with all the necessary directions to reach our company. We will give you a tour of our factory and show you the production process.

Check our offer

See products suited to your market.

See the offer

Free delivery?

Learn how we are able to keep 99,8% deliveries on time.

Learn more



it's Krzysztof Malitka here. I will gladly answer your questions.

t. +48 605 848 401

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